
Prof. Haim Cohen
Aging and Metabolism
Levy O, Amit G, Vaknin D, Snir T, Efroni S, Castaldi P, Liu YY, Cohen HY, Bashan A .2020 Age-related loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination among single cells. Nat Metab.
Naiman S, Huynh FK, Gil R, Glick Y, Shahar Y, Touitou N, Nahum L, Avivi MY, Roichman A, Kanfi Y, Gertler AA, Doniger T, Ilkayeva OR, Abramovich I, Yaron O, Lerrer B, Gottlieb E, Harris RA, Gerber D, Hirschey MD, Cohen HY. 2019. SIRT6 Promotes Hepatic Beta-Oxidation via Activation of PPARα. Cell Rep
Simon M, Van Meter M, Ablaeva J, Ke Z, Gonzalez RS, Taguchi T, De Cecco M, Leonova KI, Kogan V, Helfand SL, Neretti N, Roichman A, Cohen HY, Meer M V., Gladyshev VN, Antoch MP, Gudkov A V., Sedivy JM, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V. 2019. LINE1 Derepression in Aged Wild-Type and SIRT6-Deficient Mice Drives Inflammation. Cell Metab
Naiman, S. & Cohen HY. 2018. Role for the longevity protein SIRT6 in primate development. Nature.
Gertman O, Omer D, Hendler A, Stein D, Onn L, Khukhin Y, Portillo M, Zarivach R, Cohen HY, Toiber D, Aharoni A. 2018. Directed evolution of SIRT6 for improved deacylation and glucose homeostasis maintenance. Sci Rep
Ben-Haim MS, Kanfi Y, Mitchell SJ, Maoz N, Vaughan KL, Amariglio N, Lerrer B, De Cabo R, Rechavi G, Cohen HY. 2018. Breaking the ceiling of human maximal life span. Journals Gerontol - Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci
Roichman A, Kanfi Y, Glazz R, Naiman S, Amit U, Landa N, Tinman S, Stein I, Pikarsky E, Leor J, Cohen HY. 2017. SIRT6 overexpression improves various aspects of mouse healthspan. Journals Gerontol - Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci
Elhanati S, Ben-Hamo R, Kanfi Y, Varvak A, Glazz R, Lerrer B, Efroni S, Cohen HY. 2016. Reciprocal Regulation between SIRT6 and miR-122 Controls Liver Metabolism and Predicts Hepatocarcinoma Prognosis. Cell Rep
Elhanati S, Kanfi Y, Varvak A, Roichman A, Carmel-Gross I, Barth S, Gibor G, Cohen HY. 2013. Multiple regulatory layers of SREBP1/2 by SIRT6. Cell Rep
Gil R, Barth S, Kanfi Y, Cohen HY. 2013. SIRT6 exhibits nucleosome-dependent deacetylase activity. Nucleic Acids Res
Lerrer B, Cohen HY. 2013. The guardian: Metabolic and tumour-suppressive effects of SIRT6. EMBO J.
Naiman S, Kanfi Y, Cohen HY. 2012. Sirtuins as regulators of mammalian aging. Aging (Albany NY).
Kanfi Y, Naiman S, Amir G, Peshti V, Zinman G, Nahum L, Bar-Joseph Z, Cohen HY. 2012. The sirtuin SIRT6 regulates lifespan in male mice. Nature
Kanfi Y, Peshti V, Gil R, Naiman S, Nahum L, Levin E, Kronfeld-Schor N, Cohen HY. 2010. SIRT6 protects against pathological damage caused by diet-induced obesity. Aging Cell
Kanfi Y, Shalman R, Peshti V, Pilosof SN, Gozlan YM, Pearson KJ, Lerrer B, Moazed D, Marine JC, de Cabo R, Cohen HY. 2008. Regulation of SIRT6 protein levels by nutrient availability. FEBS Lett

Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher
Aging and Genome Stability
Wang S, Meyer DH, Schumacher B. 2020. H3K4me2 regulates the recovery of protein biosynthesis and homeostasis following DNA damage. Nat Struct Mol Biol
Lopes AFC, Bozek K, Herholz M, Trifunovic A, Rieckher M, Schumacher B. 2020. A C. elegans model for neurodegeneration in Cockayne syndrome. Nucleic Acids Res
Chatzidoukaki O, Goulielmaki E, Schumacher B, Garinis GA. 2020. DNA Damage Response and Metabolic Reprogramming in Health and Disease. Trends Genet 36:777.
Schumacher, B. & Vijg, J. 2019. Age is in the nucleus. Nature Metabolism doi:10.1038/s42255-019-0125-9.
Da Silva, P. F. L. & Schumacher, B. 2019. DNA damage responses in ageing. Open Biology.
Edifizi D, Nolte H, Babu V, Castells-Roca L, Mueller MM, Brodesser S, Krüger M, Schumacher B. 2017. Multilayered Reprogramming in Response to Persistent DNA Damage in C. elegans. Cell Rep
Wilson DM, Rieckher M, Williams AB, Schumacher B. 2017. Systematic analysis of DNA crosslink repair pathways during development and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nucleic Acids Res
Ackermann L, Schell M, Pokrzywa W, Kevei É, Gartner A, Schumacher B, Hoppe T. 2016. E4 ligase-specific ubiquitination hubs coordinate DNA double-strand-break repair and apoptosis. Nat Struct Mol Biol
Ribezzo, F., Shiloh, Y. & Schumacher, B. 2016. Systemic DNA damage responses in aging and diseases. Seminars in Cancer Biology
Castells-Roca, L., Mueller, M. M. & Schumacher, B. 2015. Longevity through DNA damage tolerance. Cell Cycle
Ermolaeva, M. A., Dakhovnik, A. & Schumacher, B. 2015. Quality control mechanisms in cellular and systemic DNA damage responses. Ageing Research Reviews
Frommolt P. & Schumacher B. 2015. Wormpath: Searching for molecular interaction networks in Caenorhabditis elegans. Source Code Biol Med
Mueller MM, Castells-Roca L, Babu V, Ermolaeva MA, Müller RU, Frommolt P, Williams AB, Greiss S, Schneider JI, Benzing T, Schermer B, Schumacher B. 2014. DAF-16/FOXO and EGL-27/GATA promote developmental growth in response to persistent somatic DNA damage. Nat Cell Biol
Ermolaeva MA, Segref A, Dakhovnik A, Ou HL, Schneider JI, Utermöhlen O, Hoppe T, Schumacher B. 2013. DNA damage in germ cells induces an innate immune response that triggers systemic stress resistance. Nature
Garinis GA, Uittenboogaard LM, Stachelscheid H, Fousteri M, van Ijcken W, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Mullenders LHF, van der Horst GTJ, Brüning JC, Niessen CM, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Schumacher B. 2009. Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity. Nat Cell Biol

Prof. Sivan Henis - Korenblit
Aging and Proteostasis
Broday L, Adir O, Bening-Abu-Shach U, Arbib S, Henis-Korenblit S. 2020. Inactivation of the Caenorhabditis elegans RNF-5 E3 ligase promotes IRE-1-independent ER functions . Autophagy.
Cohen-Berkman M, Dudkevich R, Ben-Hamo S, Fishman A, Salzberg Y, Ben-Asher HW, Lamm AT, Henis-Korenblit S. 2020. Endogenous siRNAs promote proteostasis and longevity in germlineless c .Elegans. Elife
Haviv‐Chesner A, Henis‐Korenblit S. 2019. Turning off the Wnt—a dietary restriction switch for healthy aging. EMBO Rep
Barak R, Yom-Tov G, Guez-Haddad J, Gasri-Plotnitsky L, Maimon R, Cohen-Berkman M, McCarthy AA, Perlson E, Henis-Korenblit S, Isupov MN, Opatowsky Y. 2019. Structural Principles in Robo Activation and Auto-inhibition. Cell
Henis-Korenblit, S. & Meléndez, A. 2019. Methods to determine the role of autophagy proteins in C. elegans aging. in Methods in Molecular Biology.
Yunger E, Safra M, Levi-Ferber M, Haviv-Chesner A, Henis-Korenblit S. 2017. Innate immunity mediated longevity and longevity induced by germ cell removal converge on the C-type lectin domain protein IRG-7. PLoS Genet
Salzberg Y, Coleman A, Celestrin K, Cohen-Berkman M, Biederer T, Henis-Korenblit S, Bülow HE. 2017. Reduced Insulin/Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Mitigates Defective Dendrite Morphogenesis in Mutants of the ER Stress Sensor IRE-1. PLoS Genet
Levi-Ferber M, Gian H, Dudkevich R, Henis-Korenblit S. 2015. Transdifferentiation mediated tumor suppression by the endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor IRE-1 in C. Elegans. Elife
Levi-Ferber M, Salzberg Y, Safra M, Haviv-Chesner A, Bülow HE, Henis-Korenblit S. 2014. It’s All in Your Mind: Determining Germ Cell Fate by Neuronal IRE-1 in C. elegans. PLoS Genet
Safra M, Fickentscher R, Levi-Ferber M, Danino YM, Haviv-Chesner A, Hansen M, Juven-Gershon T, Weiss M, Henis-Korenblit S. 2014. The FOXO transcription factor DAF-16 bypasses ire-1 requirement to promote endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis. Cell Metab
Safra M, Henis-Korenblit S. 2014. A new tool in C. elegans reveals changes in secretory protein metabolism in ire-1 -deficient animals . Worm
Safra M, Ben-Hamo S, Kenyon C, Henis-Korenblit S. 2013. The ire-1 ER stress-response pathway is required for normal secretory-protein metabolism in C. elegans. J Cell Sci
Henis-Korenblit S, Zhang P, Hansen M, McCormick M, Lee SJ, Cary M, Kenyon C. 2010. Insulin/IGF-1 signaling mutants reprogram ER stress response regulators to promote longevity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Ghazi A, Henis-Korenblit S, Kenyon C. 2009. A transcription elongation factor that links signals from the reproductive system to lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genet
Ghazi A, Henis-Korenblit S, Kenyon C. 2007. Regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan by a proteasomal E3 ligase complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Prof. Dr. Jens C. Brüning
Aging and Metabolism
Timper K, Del Río-Martín A, Cremer AL, Bremser S, Alber J, Giavalisco P, Varela L, Heilinger C, Nolte H, Trifunovic A, Horvath TL, Kloppenburg P, Backes H, Brüning JC. 2020. GLP-1 Receptor Signaling in Astrocytes Regulates Fatty Acid Oxidation, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Function. Cell Metab 31:1189. e13.
Jiang H, Gallet S, Klemm P, Scholl P, Folz-Donahue K, Altmüller J, Alber J, Heilinger C, Kukat C, Loyens A, Müller-Fielitz H, Sundaram S, Schwaninger M, Prevot V, Brüning JC. 2020. MCH Neurons Regulate Permeability of the Median Eminence Barrier. Neuron 107:306 .e9.
Jais A, Paeger L, Sotelo-Hitschfeld T, Bremser S, Prinzensteiner M, Klemm P, Mykytiuk V, Widdershooven PJM, Vesting AJ, Grzelka K, Minère M, Cremer AL, Xu J, Korotkova T, Lowell BB, Zeilhofer HU, Backes H, Fenselau H, Wunderlich FT, Kloppenburg P, Brüning JC. 2020. PNOC(ARC) Neurons Promote Hyperphagia and Obesity upon High-Fat-Diet Feeding. Neuron 106:1009 .e10.
Engström Ruud L, Pereira MMA, de Solis AJ, Fenselau H, Brüning JC. 2020. NPY mediates the rapid feeding and glucose metabolism regulatory functions of AgRP neurons. Nat Commun 11:442.
Turpin-Nolan, S. M. & Brüning, J. C. 2020. The role of ceramides in metabolic disorders: when size and localization matters. Nature Reviews Endocrinology
Lippert R.N, Hess. S, Klemm. P, Burgeno. L.M, Jahans-Price.T , Walton. M.E, Kloppenburg. P ,Brüning. JC. 2020 Maternal high-fat diet during lactation reprograms the dopaminergic circuitry in mice. J. Clin. Invest.
Awazawa M, Gabel P, Tsaousidou E, Nolte H, Krüger M, Schmitz J, Ackermann PJ, Brandt C, Altmüller J, Motameny S, Wunderlich FT, Kornfeld JW, Blüher M, Brüning JC. 2017. A microRNA screen reveals that elevated hepatic ectodysplasin A expression contributes to obesity-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Nat Med
Dodd GT, Andrews ZB, Simonds SE, Michael NJ, DeVeer M, Brüning JC, Spanswick D, Cowley MA, Tiganis T. 2017. A Hypothalamic Phosphatase Switch Coordinates Energy Expenditure with Feeding. Cell Metab.
Ruud, J., Steculorum, S. M, Brüning JC. 2017. Neuronal control of peripheral insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Nature Communications
Jais A, Solas M, Backes H, Chaurasia B, Kleinridders A, Theurich S, Mauer J, Steculorum SM, Hampel B, Goldau J, Alber J, Förster CY, Eming SA, Schwaninger M, Ferrara N, Karsenty G, Brüning JC. 2016. Myeloid-Cell-Derived VEGF Maintains Brain Glucose Uptake and Limits Cognitive Impairment in Obesity. Cell
Chen, Z, Zierath, J, Kahn, CR, Spiegelman, BM, O’Rahilly, S, Brüning, JC. 2015. How to Stop the Obesity Epidemic? Cell
Ruud, J. & Brüning, JC. 2015. Metabolism: Light on leptin link to lipolysis. Nature
Sevgi M, Rigoux L, Kühn AB, Mauer J, Schilbach L, Hess ME, Gruendler TOJ, Ullsperger M, Stephan KE, Brüning JC, Tittgemeyer M. 2015. An obesity-predisposing variant of the FTO gene regulates D2R-dependent reward learning. J Neurosci
Steculorum SM, Paeger L, Bremser S, Evers N, Hinze Y, Idzko M, Kloppenburg P, Brüning JC. 2015. Hypothalamic UDP Increases in Obesity and Promotes Feeding via P2Y6-Dependent Activation of AgRP Neurons. Cell
Wensveen FM, Jelenčić V, Valentić S, Šestan M, Wensveen TT, Theurich S, Glasner A, Mendrila D, Štimac D, Wunderlich FT, Brüning JC, Mandelboim O, Polić B. 2015. NK cells link obesity-induced adipose stress to inflammation and insulin resistance. Nat Immunol

Prof. Eitan Okun
Aging of the Brain
Nicola R, Okun E. 2020. Food and Age: It Takes Two to Degenerate. Front Aging Neurosci
Illouz T, Madar R, Okun E. 2020. A modified Barnes maze for an accurate assessment of spatial learning in mice. J Neurosci Methods
Lev-Vachnish Y, Cadury S, Rotter-Maskowitz A, Feldman N, Roichman A, Illouz T, Varvak A, Nicola R, Madar R, Okun E. 2019. L-lactate promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Front Neurosci
Illouz, T., Madar, R., Biragyn, A. & Okun, E. 2019. Restoring microglial and astroglial homeostasis using DNA immunization in a Down Syndrome mouse model. Brain. Behav. Immun. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2018.10.004.
De Lorenzo, G., Ferrari, S., Cervone, F. & Okun, E. Extracellular DAMPs in Plants and Mammals: Immunity, Tissue Damage and Repair. Trends in Immunology (2018)
Illouz T, Madar R, Griffioen K, Okun E. 2017. A protocol for quantitative analysis of murine and human amyloid-β1-40 and 1-42. J Neurosci Methods
Illouz T, Madar R, Clague C, Griffioen KJ, Louzoun Y, Okun E. 2016. Unbiased classification of spatial strategies in the Barnes maze. Bioinformatics
Illouz T, Madar R, Louzon Y, Griffioen KJ, Okun E. 2016. Unraveling cognitive traits using the Morris water maze unbiased strategy classification (MUST-C) algorithm. Brain Behav Immun
Illouz T, Okun E. 2015. No ECSIT-stential evidence for a link with Alzheimer’s disease yet (retrospective on DOI 10.1002/bies.201100193). BioEssays
Barak, B., Feldman, N. & Okun, E. 2015. Cardiovascular fitness and cognitive spatial learning in rodents and in humans. Journals Gerontol. - Ser. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci.
Barak B, Feldman N, Okun E. 2014. Toll-like receptors as developmental tools that regulate neurogenesis during development: an update. Front Neurosci
Lee JH, Halperin-Sheinfeld M, Baatar D, Mughal MR, Tae HJ, Kim JW, Carter A, Lustig A, Snir O, Lavie G, Okun E, Mattson MP, Sredni B, Taub DD. 2014. Tellurium compound AS101 ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by vla-4 inhibition and suppression of monocyte and T cell infiltration into the CNS. NeuroMolecular Med
Barak B, Shvarts-Serebro I, Modai S, Gilam A, Okun E, Michaelson DM, Mattson MP, Shomron N, Ashery U. 2013. Opposing actions of environmental enrichment and Alzheimer’s disease on the expression of hippocampal microRNAs in mouse models. Transl Psychiatry
Barak B, Okun E, Ben-Simon Y, Lavi A, Shapira R, Madar R, Wang Y, Norman E, Sheinin A, Pita MA, Yizhar O, Mughal MR, Stuenkel E, Van Praag H, Mattson MP, Ashery U. 2013. Neuron-specific expression of tomosyn1 in the mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus impairs spatial learning and memory. NeuroMolecular Med
Kashiwaya Y, Bergman C, Lee JH, Wan R, King MT, Mughal MR, Okun E, Clarke K, Mattson MP, Veech RL. 2013. A ketone ester diet exhibits anxiolytic and cognition-sparing properties, and lessens amyloid and tau pathologies in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging

Prof. Dr. Andreas Beyer
Systems Biology of Aging
Kamrad S, Grossbach J, Rodríguez-López M, Mülleder M, Townsend S, Cappelletti V, Stojanovski G, Correia-Melo C, Picotti P, Beyer A, Ralser M, Bähler J. 2020. Pyruvate kinase variant of fission yeast tunes carbon metabolism, cell regulation, growth and stress resistance. Mol. Syst. Biol. doi:10.15252/msb.20199270.
Johnsen M, Kubacki T, Yeroslaviz A, Späth MR, Mörsdorf J, Göbel H, Bohl K, Ignarski M, Meharg C, Habermann B, Altmüller J, Beyer A, Benzing T, Schermer B, Burst V, Müller RU. 2020. The integrated RNA landscape of renal preconditioning against ischemia-reperfusion injury. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. doi:10.1681/ASN.2019050534.
Hahn O, Drews LF, Nguyen A, Tatsuta T, Gkioni L, Hendrich O, Zhang Q, Langer T, Pletcher S, Wakelam MJO, Beyer A, Grönke S, Partridge L. 2019 .A nutritional memory effect counteracts benefits of dietary restriction in old mice. Nat Metab. doi: 10.1038/s42255-019-0121-0.
Soste M, Charmpi K, Lampert F, Gerez JA, van Oostrum M, Malinovska L, Boersema PJ, Prymaczok NC, Riek R, Peter M, Vanni S, Beyer A, Picotti P. 2019. Proteomics-Based Monitoring of Pathway Activity Reveals that Blocking Diacylglycerol Biosynthesis Rescues from Alpha-Synuclein Toxicity. Cell Syst. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2019.07.010.
Lapin D, Kovacova V, Sun X, Dongus JA, Bhandari D, Von Born P, Bautor J, Guarneri N, Rzemieniewski J, Stuttmann J, Beyer A, Parker JE. 2019. A coevolved EDS1-SAG101-NRG1 module mediates cell death signaling by TIR-domain immune receptors. Plant Cell.
Shao W, Guo T, Toussaint NC, Xue P, Wagner U, Li L, Charmpi K, Zhu Y, Wu J, Buljan M, Sun R, Rutishauser D, Hermanns T, Fankhauser CD, Poyet C, Ljubicic J, Rupp N, Rüschoff JH, Zhong Q, Beyer A, Ji J, Collins BC, Liu Y, Rätsch G, Wild PJ, Aebersold R. 2019. Comparative analysis of mRNA and protein degradation in prostate tissues indicates high stability of proteins. Nat Commun.
Späth MR, Bartram MP, Palacio-Escat N, Hoyer KJR, Debes C, Demir F, Schroeter CB, Mandel AM, Grundmann F, Ciarimboli G, Beyer A, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brodesser S, Göbel H, Becker JU, Benzing T, Schermer B, Höhne M, Burst V, Saez-Rodriguez J, Huesgen PF, Müller RU, Rinschen MM. 2019. The proteome microenvironment determines the protective effect of preconditioning in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. Kidney Int.
Hahn O, Stubbs TM, Reik W, Grönke S, Beyer A, Partridge L. 2018. Hepatic gene body hypermethylation is a shared epigenetic signature of murine longevity. PLoS Genet. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007766.
Guo T, Li L, Zhong Q, Rupp NJ, Charmpi K, Wong CE, Wagner U, Rueschoff JH, Jochum W, Fankhauser CD, Saba K, Poyet C, Wild PJ, Aebersold R, Beyer A. 2018. Multi-region proteome analysis quantifies spatial heterogeneity of prostate tissue biomarkers Life Sci Alliance. doi: 10.26508/lsa.201800042.
Seifert M, Beyer A. 2018. regNet: an R package for network-based propagation of
gene expression alterations. Bioinformatics. 2018 Jan 15;34(2):308-311. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx544. -
Höhne M, Frese CK, Grahammer F, Dafinger C, Ciarimboli G, Butt L, Binz J,Hackl MJ, Rahmatollahi M, Kann M, Schneider S, Altintas MM, Schermer B,Reinheckel T, Göbel H, Reiser J, Huber TB, Kramann R, Seeger-Nukpezah T, LiebauMC, Beck BB, Benzing T, Beyer A, Rinschen MM. 2017. Single-nephron proteomes connectmorphology and function in proteinuric kidney disease. Kidney Int. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2017.12.012.
Mackmull MT, Klaus B, Heinze I, Chokkalingam M, Beyer A, Russell RB, Ori A,Beck M. Landscape of nuclear transport receptor cargo specificity. 2017. Mol SystBiol. doi: 10.15252/msb.20177608.
Liu Y, Borel C, Li L, Müller T, Williams EG, Germain PL, Buljan M, Sajic T, Boersema PJ, Shao W, Faini M, Testa G, Beyer A, Antonarakis SE, Aebersold R. 2017. Systematic proteome and proteostasis profiling in human Trisomy 21 fibroblast cells. Nat Commun. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01422-6.
Gatto L, Hansen KD, Hoopmann MR, Hermjakob H, Kohlbacher O, Beyer A. 2016. Testing and Validation of Computational Methods for Mass Spectrometry. J Proteome Res. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00852.
Hass J, Walton E, Wright C, Beyer A, Scholz M, Turner J, Liu J, Smolka MN, Roessner V, Sponheim SR, Gollub RL, Calhoun VD, Ehrlich S. 2015. Associations between DNA methylation and schizophrenia-related intermediate phenotypes - A gene set enrichment analysis. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacology Biol Psychiatry doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.01.006

Dr. Moran Dvela - Levitt
Aging and Proteostasis
Dvela-Levitt M. (2021) Feed the Flames. Stories in Molecular Medicine. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 27(4):293-296.
Dvela-Levitt M, Shaw LJ, and Greka A. (2020) A rare kidney disease to cure them all? Towards mechanism-based therapies for proteinopathies. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 16;S1471-4914(20)30312-9. -
Alimova M, Sidhom E, Satyam A, Dvela-Levitt M, Melanson M, Chamberlain1 BT, Alper SL, Santos J, Gutierrez J, Subramanian A, Grinkevich E, Bricio ER, KimC, Clark A, Watts A, Thompson R, Marshall J, Pablo JL, Coraor J, Roignot J, Vernon KA, Keller K, Campbell A, Emani M, Racette M, Bazua-Valenti S, Padovano V, Weins A, McAdoo SP, Tam F, Ronco L, Wagner F, Tsokos GC, Shaw JL, Greka. (2020) A High Content Screen for Mucin-1-Reducing Compounds Identifies Fostamatinib as a Candidate for Rapid Repurposing for Acute Lung Injury during the COVID-19 pandemic Cell Reports Medicine 1 (8)
Dvela-Levitt M, Kost-Alimova M, Emani M, Kohnert E, Thompson R, Sidhom EH, Rivadeneira A, Sahakian N, Roignot J, Papagregoriou G, Montesinos MS, Clark AR, McKinney D, Gutierrez J, Roth M, Ronco L, Elonga E, Carter T, Gnirke A, Melanson M, Hartland K, Wieder N, Hsu JCH, Deltas C, Hughey R, Bleyer AJ, Kmoch S, Živná M, Barešova V, Kota S, Schlondorff J, Heiman M, Alper SL, Wagner F, Weins A, Golub TR, Lander ES, Greka A. (2019) Small molecule targets TMED9 and promotes lysosomal degradation to reverse proteinopathy. Cell. 178(3):521-535.
Also highlighted in:
• Was awarded by NapJC for the best nephrology story of 2019 -
Zhou Y, Castonguay P, Sidhom EH, Clark AR, Dvela-Levitt M, Kim S, Sieber J, Wieder N, Jung JY, Andreeva S, Reichardt J, Dubois F, Hoffmann SC, Basgen JM, Montesinos MS, Weins A, Johnson AC, Lander ES, Garrett MR, Hopkins CR, Greka A. (2017) A small-molecule inhibitor of TRPC5 ion channels suppresses progressive kidney disease in animal models. Science. 8;358(6368):1332-1336.
Also highlighted in:
• -
Sieber J, Wieder N, Ostrosky-Frid M, Dvela-Levitt M, Aygün O, Udeshi ND, Carr SA, Greka A. (2017) Lysine trimethylation regulates 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein proteostasis during endoplasmic reticulum stress. J Biol Chem. 17;292(46):18878-18885.
Dvela-Levitt M, Cohen-Ben Ami H, Rosen H, Ornoy A, Hochner-Celnikier D, Granat M and Lichtstein D. (2015) Reduction in maternal circulating ouabain impairs offspring growth and kidney development. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 26(5):1103-1.
Dvela-Levitt M, Cohen-Ben Ami H, Rosen H, Shohami E and Lichtstein D. (2014) Ouabain improves functional recovery following traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 1;31(23):1942-7.
Lichtstein D, Rosen H and Dvela M. (2012) Cardenolides and bufadienolides as hormones: What is missing?
Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 302(8):F957-8. *Commentary -
Dvela M, Rosen H, Cohen-Ben Ami H and Lichtstein D. (2012) Endogenous ouabain regulates cell viability.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 302(2):C442-52. -
Jaiswal M, Dvela M, Lichtstein D and Mallick B. (2010) Endogenous Ouabain-Like Compounds in Locus Coeruleus Modulate Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Rats. J. Sleep Res. 19(1 Pt 2):183-91.
Nesher M, Shpolansky U, Viola N, Dvela M, Buzaglo N, Cohen Ben-Ami H, Rosen H and Lichtstein D. (2010) Ouabain attenuates cardiotoxicity induced by other cardiac steroids. Br. J. Pharmacol. 160(2):346-54. -
Nesher M, Dvela M, Igbokwe VU, Rosen H, and Lichtstein D. (2009) Physiological roles of endogenous ouabain in normal rat. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ Physiol. 297(6):H2026-34.
Dvela M, Rosen H, Feldmann T, Nesher M and Lichtstein D. (2007) Diverse biological responses to different cardiotonic steroids. Pathophysiology. 14: 159-66. *Review article
[Impact factor=N/A; Ranking=N/A; Citations=58]

Dr. Stephanie Panier
Aging and DNA repair
Klaric, J.A., Wüst, S. and Panier, S. (2021). New faces of old friends: Emerging new roles of RNA-binding proteins in the DNA double-strand break response. Front Mol Biosci 8.
Panier, S., Maric, M., Hewitt, G., Mason-Osann, E., Gali, H., Dai, A., Labadorf, A., Guervilly, J.H., Ruis, P., Segura-Bayona, S., Belan, O., Marzec, P., Gaillard, P.H.L., Flynn, R.L., Boulton, S.J. (2019). SLX4IP antagonizes promiscuous BLM activity during ALT maintenance. Mol Cell 76(1), 27-43.
Leon-Ortiz, A.M., Panier, S., Sarek, G., Vannier, J.B., Patel, H., Campbell, P.J., and Boulton, S.J. (2018). A Distinct Class of Genome Rearrangements Driven by Heterologous Recombination. Mol Cell 69, 292-305 e296.
Margalef, P., Kotsantis, P., Borel, V., Bellelli, R., Panier, S., and Boulton, S.J. (2018). Stabilization of Reversed Replication Forks by Telomerase Drives Telomere Catastrophe. Cell 172, 439-453 e414.
Kitevski-LeBlanc, J., Fradet-Turcotte, A., Kukic, P., Wilson, M.D., Portella, G., Yuwen, T., Panier, S., Duan, S., Canny, M.D., van Ingen, H., et al. (2017). The RNF168 paralog RNF169 defines a new class of ubiquitylated histone reader involved in the response to DNA damage. Elife 6.
Sarek, G., Vannier, J.B., Panier, S., Petrini, J.H.J., and Boulton, S.J. (2015). TRF2 recruits RTEL1 to telomeres in S phase to promote t-loop unwinding. Mol Cell 57, 622-635.
Panier, S., and Boulton, S.J. (2014). Double-strand break repair: 53BP1 comes into focus. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 15, 7-18.
Bohgaki, M., Bohgaki, T., El Ghamrasni, S., Srikumar, T., Maire, G., Panier, S., Fradet-Turcotte, A., Stewart, G.S., Raught, B., Hakem, A., et al. (2013). RNF168 ubiquitylates 53BP1 and controls its response to DNA double-strand breaks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110, 20982-20987.
Panier, S.*, and Durocher, D.* (2013). Push back to respond better: regulatory inhibition of the DNA double-strand break response. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14, 661-672.
*co-corresponding authors -
Panier, S., Ichijima, Y., Fradet-Turcotte, A., Leung, C.C., Kaustov, L., Arrowsmith, C.H., and Durocher, D. (2012). Tandem protein interaction modules organize the ubiquitin-dependent response to DNA double-strand breaks. Mol Cell 47, 383-395.
Bohgaki, T., Bohgaki, M., Cardoso, R., Panier, S., Zeegers, D., Li, L., Stewart, G.S., Sanchez, O., Hande, M.P., Durocher, D., et al. (2011). Genomic instability, defective spermatogenesis, immunodeficiency, and cancer in a mouse model of the RIDDLE syndrome. PLoS Genet 7, e1001381.
O'Donnell, L.*, Panier, S.*, Wildenhain, J.*, Tkach, J.M., Al-Hakim, A., Landry, M.C., Escribano-Diaz, C., Szilard, R.K., Young, J.T., Munro, M., et al. (2010). The MMS22L-TONSL complex mediates recovery from replication stress and homologous recombination. Mol Cell 40, 619-631.
*joint first authors -
Nakada, S., Tai, I., Panier, S., Al-Hakim, A., Iemura, S., Juang, Y.C., O'Donnell, L., Kumakubo, A., Munro, M., Sicheri, F., et al. (2010). Non-canonical inhibition of DNA damage-dependent ubiquitination by OTUB1. Nature 466, 941-946.
Ramachandran, S., Chahwan, R., Nepal, R.M., Frieder, D., Panier, S., Roa, S., Zaheen, A., Durocher, D., Scharff, M.D., and Martin, A. (2010). The RNF8/RNF168 ubiquitin ligase cascade facilitates class switch recombination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107, 809-814.
Lilley, C.E., Chaurushiya, M.S., Boutell, C., Landry, S., Suh, J., Panier, S., Everett, R.D., Stewart, G.S., Durocher, D., and Weitzman, M.D. (2010). A viral E3 ligase targets RNF8 and RNF168 to control histone ubiquitination and DNA damage responses. EMBO J 29, 943-955
Al-Hakim, A., Escribano-Diaz, C., Landry, M.C., O'Donnell, L., Panier, S., Szilard, R.K., and Durocher, D. (2010). The ubiquitous role of ubiquitin in the DNA damage response. DNA Repair (Amst) 9, 1229-1240.
Panier, S., and Durocher, D. (2009). Regulatory ubiquitylation in response to DNA double-strand breaks. DNA Repair (Amst) 8, 436-443.
Stewart, G.S.*, Panier, S.*, Townsend, K., Al-Hakim, A.K., Kolas, N.K., Miller, E.S., Nakada, S., Ylanko, J., Olivarius, S., Mendez, M., et al. (2009). The RIDDLE syndrome protein mediates a ubiquitin-dependent signaling cascade at sites of DNA damage. Cell 136, 420-434
* joint first authors -
Doil, C., Mailand, N., Bekker-Jensen, S., Menard, P., Larsen, D.H., Pepperkok, R., Ellenberg, J., Panier, S., Durocher, D., Bartek, J., et al. (2009). RNF168 binds and amplifies ubiquitin conjugates on damaged chromosomes to allow accumulation of repair proteins. Cell 136, 435-446.
Kolas, N.K., Chapman, J.R., Nakada, S., Ylanko, J., Chahwan, R., Sweeney, F.D., Panier, S., Mendez, M., Wildenhain, J., Thomson, T.M., et al. (2007). Orchestration of the DNA-damage response by the RNF8 ubiquitin ligase. Science 318, 1637-1640.